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May 30, 2014


feeling a little bit overwhelmed working on three separate blog projects at once.
wanting to get back into blogging here regularly because it makes me happy, not because I feel like I need to.
laughing at max every time he mentions the reason why he can or cannot do something as "because I'm three now" (while holding up five squeezed together fingers because his fine motor skills won't allow him to hold his pinky down with his thumb yet).
listening to this band over and over and over on spotify because they are amazing + remind me of my high school self mixed with my adult self in terms of music style preferences.
praying that I get the job I applied for even though it's bittersweet thinking about leaving max.
living in these tees every single day.
exploring new diet and exercise regimens to keep it new + fresh.
trying to get a little bit of color injected into this pale winter skin.
rewatching seasons one + two of new girl on netflix before I binge watch the third on hulu plus.
getting excited for my friend's graduation/birthday bash next weekend.
thinking about what to make for the party.
finding it hard to believe that May is already over and that June, the official month of the beginning of summer is already upon us (where the heck is this year going?! slow dowwwwnnnnnn!)
reading a few different things and trying to make up for how much time it took me to read this.
taking pictures of max more and more because I swear that every time he sneezes he grows another inch and I'm just having some troubling coming to terms with it all.
quoting movies and television shows more than I realize now that my friend's new boyfriend seems to always catch my quotes and spit back the next line (#imsoannoyingthough).
racking my brain for new ideas and concepts for this blog, Chelsea Dogs, and Buzzfeed because I feel a bit burnt out and uninspired right now even though my brain would like me to get off of the couch and stop watching netflix.
driving with the windows down, sunnies on.
loving this slow unfold to summer weather + all it's glory (before it gets so effing hot that I want to curl up in front of a fan and never move again until fall).

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