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September 9, 2014

25 things in my 25th year: the half-year update.

Yesterday was my official half birthday, which means I'll be 25 in six months, the age I set as a deadline for quite a few different things. Some of the items on the 25 things list are small, some are pretty substantial. Over the last six months I have grown a lot, both through the implementation of this list in my life as well as other factors. Much like last year's summer bucket list, this birthday list has lit a metaphorical fire under my tush, and I like that kind of pressure from myself to achieve and accomplish both small & large goals.

Here's a portion of the list and my thoughts six months out:
1// learn how to get off of the auto setting of my DSLR.
I have been reading blogs, a "for dummies" book, and watching a few YouTube videos to get this one going. It's a process for sure.
3// start up my etsy shop again.
I'm not sure if this is still one of my goals for this year. I love etsy and shopping handmade on it, and I love the products that I have considered selling, but so far, there hasn't been the right time to start a small business, and I'm okay with that for right now.
5// find a new job.
To tie in with the above item, I am looking to get my career really moving in the next few months, so a small business will have to find a place to fit in among all of that. I'm getting really close to ticking this one off the list, and it's very exciting.
6// go to at least four concerts. (|||)
The Script & One Republic in June, One Direction in August, and Ed Sheeran last weekend. Some of my favorite artisits. It's been a great few months for concerts and I'm looking forward to the next six.
7// become a morning person (I love mornings, but can never wake up).
Still nothing here. Waking up is hard.
8// go to California again.
9// write down some of my grandma's famous recipes so I can make them for my future children.
We had a little scare a couple of weeks ago with my nonna, so now more than ever this item means so much to me. I'm ready to get out a notebook and throw on an apron asap.
11// try ten new restaurants on LI. (||||)
This has been one of the most fun items on the list. I love going out to dinner with friends to catch up, chat about life, and have a drink. Trying to branch out and go to a bunch of new places has made that even more fun.
16// travel someplace new.
I've probably really overdone the whole contiki thing by now (#cantstopwontstop), but check out the link above to see what I got up to in Europe this past July.
18// buy fresh flowers for the house every weekend for a whole month.
I have been loving doing this, and can probably cross it off even though I haven't done it four weekends in a row yet. Fresh flowers are something that I've realized in the last six months actually make me extremely happy. It's the little things.
20// get a month of hot yoga and go at least twice a week. (May 2014)
Love, love, love hot yoga.
21// get my NY teaching certification finalized.
This is a tricky one. I've talked a bit about my career changes and what I'm looking to do in the future, so this item is kind of a "moo point" (friends, anyone?). But really, I don't think this one will need ticking off in the end, and I am so fine with that. I have made room for bigger, better, more fulfilling for me things, and I'm pumped about it.
22// move out of my parent's house.
Funny how this all ties in together with all of the job related items, but obviously money ties into all of those as well. I love my parents, but I have a feeling they are pretty close to being rid of me.
24// take a spontaneous road trip.
Fall foliage is around the corner. I feel this one coming on soon.
25// inspire someone to make a list for their birthday, or just-because!
I would still love to cross this one off because reading other people's lists is so fun, inspiring, and also pretty nosey. Everyone loves a bit of nosey, though.

These are not all of the items on my list, you can see the original here, but these are just a few of the small ones and big ones that I thought I would touch upon. I'm looking forward to the next six months and seeing where my life is then, because when I created this list in March I could not have imagined how different things would be just six months down the line. Life is funny like that, isn't it?

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